A New Challenge Begins

challengeLast year the S.A.C. launched the Canadian Songwriters Social Media Challenge.  It sent dozens of songwriters into an online frenzy as participants blogged, tweeted and Facebooked their way to a more focused social media strategy.  This year, we are encouraging songwriters to focus on our raison d’être – songwriting.  Over the next 6 weeks, S.A.C. members from across the country are taking part in a free online songwriting course provided by esteemed Songwriting teacher from Berklee, Pat Pattison.  We call it the S.A.C. Songwriting and Blogging Challenge 2013…or Challenge 2013.

So,where does the challenge part fit into this?  Like last year, participants are asked to check in on a weekly basis with a blog that encapsulates what they have learned or wrestled with.  We hope that even those in the sidelines will benefit from this discourse.

So, for those of you who have signed up here:  http://www.songwriters.ca/events/446/challenge2013.aspx please do the following:

1.  Please make sure you are part of the exclusive Facebook group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/506631312722262/
2.  Write your first blog answering the following questions:  Where are you in your songwriting journey?  What do you hope to gain from participating in this challenge?

3.  Post the link to your blog below.  If you do not have a blog, you can also choose to post it as a note in Facebook and share the respective link.  (Type “Notes” in the search area of Facebook to find the appropriate place to post).

NOTE:  This initiative is not officially related to the Coursera Songwriting Course.  Participants are responsible for their own course material.

41 thoughts on “A New Challenge Begins

      1. Hey Debra, I use Final Cut Pro X to place titles beside my video when I play. There are many programs out there that do not cost as much as that one though.
        It does make it easy for other to read along to the song.
        Thanks for listening. 🙂


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